Today I decided to give you a look at the work of Adi Toch. This Jerusalem born silversmith creates these amazing symmetrical yet organic forms. All her vessels have these beautiful bulbous shapes and explore the ways we use tableware and other functional vessels.
The perfect example is her ‘Pinch of Salt’ pot which is pictured below. As well as looking amazing this pot does exactly what the title suggests. It allows the user access to just one pinch of salt, perfect for anyone watching their blood pressure! The other ingenious thing about this vessel is that salt will not spill out if the pot is tipped over.

The other notable thing about her work is the choice of finish, each piece whether it be satin finished, oxidized or gold plated is done to perfectly compliment the form.
I think the ‘Reflection Bowl’ is a great example of this attention to detail. The deep dip of this vessel is exaggerated by her use of patina, with each drip emphasizing the curve down to the opening.

Click here to have a look at her website.