I know this work has no relation to silver but I had to include it in my blog because I thought it was such a brilliant idea. This is the work of British artist Jason deCaires Taylor. It is an underwater installation called ‘Le Evolucion Silenciosa’ (The Silent Revolution) and was designed specifically as an artificial coral reef. The idea behind this work is that by providing a habit for coral and plant life to grow the reef will be restored and will attract sea life. This underwater museum (MUSA) is in Cancun Mexico and can be visited by scuba divers and snorkelers although it’s primary function is it’s impact on the environment.

The installation consists of 400 life size figures which were lower to the sea bed in November 2010. The pieces have been recently photographed to show the change in the work. It’s great to see how it has developed over time from when the pieces were first put in place. The pieces have now changed in their environment, the faces have been softened by the coral and changed in colour. The crevases and cavities have been filled with amazing plant life.

If you look at the photo above when the work was first installed in comparison with the photo below. The second photo shows how the coral is thriving amongst the sculptures, growing out of the plant pots and crawling up the steps. The work in really enhanced by the addition of the coral and plant life.

There are plans this summer to hold a workshop with a selection of eight artists resulting in proposals for new underwater sculptures for the museum. So while this work doesn’t have any relation to silver it got me thinking about how art can impact and enhance the world in such a practical way as this.